Social Book Marking

Goal: To create high-quality social bookmarking backlinks for improved website visibility and search engine rankings.

Pre-requisites or requirements:

  1. Relevant content or webpage URL to be bookmarked.
  2. Social bookmarking accounts on platforms such as Reddit, Digg, StumbleUpon, etc.

Why this is important: Social Bookmarking Submission can be a great source of social traffic to your website through Socially Communities. Additionally, it can help to increase brand awareness and engagement.

When this is done: It’s Totally Depend on your SEO Strategy. How Much Content you have and What’s Your Ranking Target.

Who does this: The person responsible for SEO or Content Marketing. 

Why Social bookmarking Backlink? 

Social bookmarking backlinks are crucial for enhancing a website’s search engine rankings, visibility, and overall online presence. These backlinks act as endorsements from reputable sources, signalling to search engines that the website’s content is valuable and deserving of higher rankings. Additionally, social bookmarking platforms expose the website to a broader audience, leading to increased traffic and potential conversions.


Step 1 : Go to Google :

Step 2 : Research and Select Platforms:

1.    Identify and select reputable social bookmarking platforms relevant to your niche.

2.  Ensure that the chosen platforms allow the submission of links.

Step 3 : Go to Website & Account Setup:

1.   Create accounts on selected social bookmarking platforms if you don’t have them already.

2.  Complete profiles with accurate information and a professional image if applicable.

Step 4 : Understanding Platform Guidelines and Setup Profile :

  1. Familiarise yourself with the guidelines and rules of each platform.
  2. Take note of any specific requirements for link submissions.

Step 5 : Quality Content Preparation.

  1. Ensure that the content or webpage you plan to bookmark is valuable, relevant, and high-quality.
  2. Craft a compelling and concise description for the bookmark.

Step 6 : Create Post and Provide a relevant title and description for the bookmark.

Step 8 : Post Your Content.

Step 9 : Engage with the Community:

  1. Respond to comments or feedback on your bookmark if applicable.
  2. Explore and engage with other content on the platform to build a positive presence.

Step 10 : Track and Analyze

  1. Monitor the performance of your bookmarked links using analytics tools.
  2. Assess the impact on website traffic and search engine rankings.

Step 11 : Regular Maintenance.

Periodically check the status of your social bookmarks.

Update or refresh content if necessary.

Stay informed about changes in platform guidelines.


  1. Avoid spammy practices; focus on providing value to the community.
  2. Diversify your social bookmarking efforts across multiple platforms.
  3. Keep track of the bookmarks to avoid duplication.


Following this SOP will help you systematically create social bookmarking backlinks, contributing to an effective and diverse SEO strategy. Regularly review and adapt the SOP based on changes in platform algorithms or industry best practices.