Estimated time to execute: 25 to 30 minutes

Aim: Creating a High Quality Backlink From Wikipedia

Optimal Outcome: Getting a High Quality Backlink For a Most Popular Site With Traffic 

What do you need to start:

.You must have account of Wikipedia .
. Knowledge of Backlinks.

Why is this SOP Important: This SOP helps you to Creating a High Quality Backlink For Your Website and it’s helps you to rank higher in SERP

When and where to execute: Every Time you need this SOP. When you trying a new Backlink From Wikipedia

Who Should Be Doing This: The person is Responsible for SEO and Backlinks..

What is Wikipedia ?

Wikipedia is a free online encyclopaedia created and edited by volunteers around the world. It is the largest and most-read reference work in history, and has consistently been one of the 10 most popular websites. Founded by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger on January 15, 2001, it is hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, an American non-profit organization. As of October 29, 2023, Wikipedia has over 61 million articles in more than 300 languages, including 6,735,339 articles in English.

Why Wikipedia ?

Creating a Wikipedia backlink can be a valuable source of traffic and credibility for your website. However, it’s essential to approach this process with a commitment to improving Wikipedia content and adhering to their guidelines and community standards. Failure to do so can lead to your edits being reverted or even being banned from Wikipedia.

Wikipedia Have Largest Organic Traffic : 13 Billion. 


Step 1: Research Relevant Wikipedia Pages

  1. Identify Wikipedia articles that are relevant to your website’s content.
  2. Ensure that the pages you select are not too promotional and have information that relates to your website’s topic.

Step 2: Register or Log In to Wikipedia

  1. Choose Your Language .

2.  If you don’t have a Wikipedia account, create one.

3.   Fill all the Details and Login.

4.  If you already have an account, log in.

Step 3 : First Find The Citation Needed Content & Dead Links .

What is Citation ?
A citation in Wikipedia is a way of saying “This information is not my own, but I found it in this source.” It is a link to the source of the information, which can be a book, article, website, or other document. Citations are important in Wikipedia because they allow readers to verify the information in the articles and to learn more about the topic.

Citations in Wikipedia are typically placed at the end of the article in a section called “References.” However, they can also be placed within the body of the article, especially if the information is cited multiple times.

Citations in Wikipedia are important because they help to ensure that the information in the articles is accurate and reliable. They also make it easier for readers to learn more about the topics that they are interested in.

What is Dead Link?

A dead link is a hyperlink that no longer points to an existing web page. It can happen when a web page is moved or deleted, or when the domain name expires. Dead links can be frustrating for users, and they can also make a website look unprofessional.

But the Question is:  How find Citation and Dead Link ??????

The Answers is : Follow Below Steps…..

Step 3 : Search on Google “Wikigraber”