Goal: To create high-quality social bookmarking backlinks for improved website visibility and search engine rankings.
Pre-requisites or requirements:
Why this is important: PPT/PDF submission is a valuable tool for SEO and content marketing, enabling you to improve your website’s visibility and drive more traffic.
When this is done: It’s Totally Depend on your SEO Strategy. How Much Content you have and What’s Your Ranking Target.
Who does this: The person responsible for SEO or Content Marketing.
Why PPT/PDF Backlink?
PPT/PDF submission backlinks are crucial for enhancing your website’s search engine ranking, expanding online presence, and generating leads. By submitting your PPT or PDF to reputable directories and websites, you can establish your brand’s credibility, increase the likelihood of your content being discovered by potential customers, and diversify your backlink profile, which is essential for search engine algorithms. Additionally, PPT/PDF submission links can direct users to your website, boosting website traffic and exposure. Furthermore, PPT/PDF submission serves as an effective lead generation tool since interested individuals can easily contact you through the provided contact information. Overall, PPT/PDF submission is a valuable tool for SEO and content marketing, enabling you to improve your website’s visibility and drive more traffic.
Step 1 : Search, Research and Content Creation:
Step 2: Choosing Platforms
Step 3: Check Authority & Traffic.
Using SEMrush
Step 4: Account Creation
Step 5: Submission Process:
Step 6 : Check Publish
Step 7: Verification and Tracking:
Step 8: Maintenance:
Step 9: Documentation:
Maintain a detailed record of all PPT/PDF submissions, including platform details, submission dates, and backlink URLs.
Step 10: Review and Update:
Regularly review and update this SOP to incorporate any changes in the submission platforms or best practices in backlinking.