Last Updated / Reviewed: August 15th, 2023
Goal: Integrate Domain & Hosting
Pre-requisites or requirements: Tools and Resources:
You need a Domain from and
Site (Ex: GoDaddy), and Second Your Need Hosting from a Different Sites
Why this is important: A domain name is the address that people type into their web browsers to visit your website, while hosting is the service that stores your website’s files and makes them accessible to visitors. If you cannot Connect Them, Your Website Doesn’t Open.
When this is done: Every time when you Buy Domain & Hosting
from Different Websites.
Who does this: The person responsible for Website Development.
Step 1 -. Go to Your Domain Provider.
Ex. My Domain Provider Is GoDaddy.
Step 2 -. Open Your Domain Setting & Click on DNS
DNS Means Domain Name Server.
Step 3 -. Click On Nameservers
Step 4 -. Then Click on Change Nameservers
Step 5 -. Then, Click on I’ll use my own Nameserver.
Step 6 -. Copy & Paste Nameserver.
To Know Your Hosting Nameserver Go to Your Email Account and Open Your Hosting Provide Mail Then, Find Nameserver
After Find, Copy the nameserver and Paste These Nameservers in
Domain Nameserver Setting.
Step 7 -. After Paste Click Save Nameservers.
Step 8 -. Then, Click on Continue.
Step 9 -. Hurray!!! Your Nameserver Change Successfully.