How to Create Awesome Blog Outline with Chat GPT

Goal: Create a well-structured outline with the help of a AI Tool (ChatGPT)

Pre-requisites or requirements: You need a Topic For Your Blog.

Why this is important: A blog outline serves as the roadmap for your entire blog post. It helps you stay organized, ensures your content flows smoothly, and makes it easier for your readers to follow along.

When this is done: Every time When You Write a New Blog.

 Who does this: The person responsible for SEO Expert. 

 Step 1 : First You Need To Identify Your Topic

 Step 2 : Need to login chat Gpt …

Step 3 : Need to Install AIPRM…

AIPRM ( A Chrome Extension ) : ChatGPT is a Prompt Base AI, So you need a Prompt every time when you want use ChatGPT For Better Results.

How to Install : Search on Google AIPRM Chrome Extension –🡪 Open Site and add to chrome the Extension .

Step 4 : Click on the AIPRM Exetention…

Step 5 : After Click Search Blog Outlin

AIPRM have Many Types of Prompts For Different Uses So you Need To Search Your Prompt blog Outline and Use Any Prompt After Searching.

Step 6 : click on prompt (Detailed Blog Outline )

Step 7 : Write Topic of Your Blog Outline 

 Step 8 : Copy Your Blog Outline Form Chat Gpt And Paste MS Word Document

A blog outline serves as the roadmap for your entire blog post. It helps you stay organized, ensures your content flows smoothly, and makes it easier for your readers to follow along.

Step 9 : Hurry !!! Your Blog Outline is Ready